Time & Place
Jun 22, 2023, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Tuscaloosa, 1305 Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA
The series kicks off with a lecture from Robert Register on Thursday, June 22. Register’s presentation topic will use the 1887 Tuscaloosa panoramic map as an educational paradigm for historical learning.
This special presentation will use the 1887 Tuscaloosa panoramic map as an educational paradigm for historical learning. The lecture will be held on the main floor at the Jemison-Van de Graaff Mansion found at 1305 Greensboro Avenue and is open to the public.
Originally from Dothan, Robert Register spent most of his working career in the Tuscaloosa area. After two decades of teaching life sciences in Alabama's public schools and community colleges and the last decade working in property maintenance, Robert decided to follow his passion for writing. Robert has published numerous articles in several different publications including Old Tuscaloosa magazine, Gulf Coast Historical Review, Panama City Living magazine, and the Crimson Magazine. In addition, Robert also wrote the text for the historic marker of the Southern Boundary of The U.S. 1795-1819 and the text for the plaque for Ellicott's Line in the State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame.
In 2018, Register partnered with retired University of Georgia professor James Hargrove on two articles concerning the War of 1812 in Northwest Florida which were published in the Apalachicola Times.
Recently, Register has concentrated on writing a literary analysis of the 1948 novel Devil Make a Third which is a fictional story based upon the formative years of his hometown of Dothan.
Robert shares his ideas on the internet on his blog under the name robertoreg.
For Roberts blog post which covers his presentation, visit ⇾ https://reclaimalabama.blogspot.com/2023/06/i-have-promised-your-organization-that.html
Come join us for a series of lectures that explores the fundamentals of historic preservation. Historic Tuscaloosa features live lectures from preservation professionals with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, and includes interaction between participants and presenters through Q&A sessions at the end of each lecture. Light Hors d'Oeuvre and refreshments will be served.
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