Century Club Party 2024
Thanks to our wonderful and hospitable hosts, Paul and Angie Moreton, we had a lovely evening at our annual Century Club Party on Thursday, April 25, 2024. 🙏 We would also like to thank our very own Cal Wilson for again providing beautiful floral arrangements for this event. 😍💐
Our Century Club party was held at 1 Pinehurst Drive. Paul and Angie Moreton, the owners of this magnificent home, were awarded a Brick-and-Mortar Award in 2022 for their time, effort, and dedication to its restoration. 👏 We were thrilled to have the opportunity to see the inside of this Prairie-style home! 🤩🙌
1 Pinehurst Drive (Fitts House) was the former home of lumberman and banker William F. Fitts. Constructed in 1915, it is an example of Prairie-style Architecture.
The initials W.F.F., a remnant of the original owner, are still very visible on the terrazzo flooring on the front porch.
🔎 We learned that the Prairie style celebrates the long, low landscape of the Midwest. Its most defining characteristic is its emphasis on the horizontal rather than the vertical. Prairie homes spread out over their lots, featuring flat or shallow hipped roof lines, rows of windows, overhanging eaves, and bands of stone, wood, or brick across the surface. Thin Roman bricks sometimes enhance the effect, and cantilevers often extend the horizontal line without vertical support. Even the unwelcome verticals of downspouts are either eliminated or carefully placed.